Mindful Monday #459: How To Build a World-Class Community


Welcome to Mindful Monday!

This week, we focus on building communities, self-renewal, useful interview questions, thoughts on exercise, and some wise words from Steven Pressfield. And... CLICK HERE to read our USA Today Best-Selling book, The Score That Matters.

#623: Stu McLaren - How To Build a World-Class Community

Stu McLaren is the go-to expert for turning passion into profit through membership businesses. Stu has helped thousands of entrepreneurs create recurring revenue and thriving communities. He's the author of Predictable Profits. During our conversation, we discussed building communities, stories about transformation, a world-class onboarding process, the business model of the future, and much more. You can also WATCH our conversation on YouTube.


We can't write off the danger of complacency, growing rigidity, and imprisonment by our own comfortable habits and opinions. Look around you. How many people whom you know well -- people even younger than yourselves --are already trapped in fixed attitudes and habits? A famous French writer said, "There are people whose clocks stop at a certain point in their lives." CLICK HERE to read this useful essay about self-renewal from John Gardner.

What’s Going on Here, With This Human?

Graham Duncan wrote this essay to help others make better decisions on a potential hire, business partner, or even life partner as quickly and as accurately as possible. It’s made up of suggested action steps and some of the ruminations that underlie them. At the end, he includes his own assessment of different personality assessments and some of his go-to interview and reference questions.

Does Exercise Really Help Your Mental Health?

There’s tons of evidence, from hundreds of studies with hundreds of thousands of participants, showing that exercise is an effective tool to combat depression and other mental health issues like anxiety. These studies find that it’s at least as good as drugs or therapy, and perhaps even better. It’s now recommended in official guidelines around the world as a stand-alone or secondary treatment. Still, there’s an important caveat to consider: is all this evidence of a connection between exercise and mental health any good? CLICK HERE to learn more.

Wise Words...

“The sure sign of an amateur is he has a million plans and they all start tomorrow.” -- Steven Pressfield

Mindful Check-In

I'm always looking to better understand what matters most to you as a leader. Your input helps me shape content that’s more valuable to you. Please take a moment to answer one question...

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The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

"Mindful Monday" is a combination of my thoughts from conversations with the world's most effective leaders (550+ recorded over the past 9 years) and other interesting essays I find useful.

Read more from The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

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